There is no “best time” to text or call after a date, so stop over-analyzing it. Let me spell it out, of how you need to do it. IN THE MIDDLE OF HER WRITING HER EMAIL, ASK FOR HER PHONE NUMBER! Now, let’s say that she is writing her email. – Your Name.” ... Because she wants you to call her and ask her out on a date. ... Easy. If she likes you, she will be more than happy to hear from you, no matter when that might be (Note: if the first date was a Grand Slam, you’d be wise to say, “Hi,” the following day and schedule a follow-up date ASAP because momentum is your friend) . Do this when you ask a girl out. This the most nerve-wracking stage of asking for a girl’s phone number for most guys. The advice of giving a woman you’re interesting in going out with your phone number instead of asking for hers goes counter to pretty muich every other dating advice that I have heard. The phone call suddenly is a big deal because you’re worried that if you don’t get it right, you might blow your chances of talking to her again, right? Even so, the first phone call can be nerve wracking. (2) Let her enter her number in the “to” field and her first name in the text message field. In the case of asking for a girl’s number, the point of using this formula is to turn an anxiety-inducing scenario into one that is easy, automatic, and natural. I call at about 8 to 9pm because she’ll usually be done with dinner and just be relaxing. Pick up your phone... and call her. ALWAYS! A Video chat is comparatively new in some areas of the world and its all about preferences and the outlook one has towards certain things. ALWAYS! However, the nature of phone calls marrying the immediacy of an out-loud conversation with the distance aspect of texting means they can be tricky. I like to call between 8 & 9pm, Sunday through Thursday. All she should have to do is type her number in. she’s gonna think you’re a creep who just wants to have sex with her, which is … This one works when you’ve seen her before. You need to make a good first impression but, unlike with an email, you can’t delete anything that doesn’t sound quite right. Most guys probably think it’s best to throw the question at the end of the discussion. Don’t ask. ALWAYS! I never call a new girl on Friday or Saturday. When it comes to how to ask a girl for her number, the logistics are simple: (1) Open your phone to the texting screen. The simple answer to the question of how to talk to a girl on the phone is just be yourself, while also focussing on making her feel attracted to you. The woman will find a way for you to contact her. You say, And write your phone number too. Find a good signal spot By practicing and refining this formula over and over, I’ve gotten to a place where I no longer hesitate to ask for a girl’s number. Step 3: Tell, Don’t Ask. If you call earlier, she may still be busy and if you call later, she may already be asleep. Either she will give me her email or her phone number. How to ask for a girl’s number? If you’ve never chatted with her and then ask for her number out of the blue, it’s going to surprise her and in a not-so-good way. And I know you can do the same. To this end, before you even go for the number, get your phone ready on the contacts page with her name typed in and the cursor in the mobile phone field. (3) Then fill it in with, “Hey (her name), it was great to meet you at X. I.e. 1 Get to know her first. Here are eight top tips to help you handle that first phone call – and secure the date: 1.
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